DEPRESSION SHOPS: What are we doing?

Cesar Keller (CK)
2 min readMar 22, 2024
Modern Happy Workplace

The corporate world today is a dehumanizing place. Practically, no one disagrees with that statement anymore. Many factors contribute to the alienation of employees, seriously impacting their ability to be happy. Being an Executive Mentor and listening to cases repeatedly made me believe that we changed the old sweatshops for new “depression shops.” But people managers can make a big difference!

To escape this situation, we must evolve faster as human beings and leaders who care for one another. It is challenging, as we know how people resist change in a position of power and influence. And if change does not come from the top, it takes decades.

A few things contribute to this epidemic, one of which is prioritizing efficiency over people. Companies focused solely on short-term profits create a culture where employees are seen as replaceable cogs. Micromanagement further contributes to this feeling of alienation. Rigid processes and strict performance metrics can stifle creativity and make work feel monotonous. Micromanagers can be incredibly demotivating and erode trust. Many corporate jobs involve little opportunity for growth or learning, leaving employees feeling unchallenged and uninspired. The pressure to be constantly available and the pervasive “hustle culture” can lead to burnout, stress, and other health problems.

Dictatorial managers who make decisions without input and expect unquestioning obedience can stifle creativity and make employees feel like pawns. Similarly, managers’ lack of recognition and appreciation can make employees feel undervalued and unimportant. Inaccessibility and poor communication, where managers are unavailable to their team or don’t listen to concerns, create a significant disconnect. Finally, favoritism and unfair treatment by managers create a demoralizing and distrustful environment.

As a People Manager, you can focus on what you control and contribute positively to a more human-centered work environment, regardless of your company culture. How managers interact with their teams significantly impacts how humanized employees feel.

Be the change!

What exactly can you do? You can take steps to create a more positive work environment. Focusing on employee well-being and offering mental and physical health resources is crucial. Empowering employees by trusting them with ownership of their work and delegating tasks appropriately. Open communication and transparency, where managers are approachable, hold regular meetings and keep employees informed, foster trust and engagement. Providing constructive feedback and acknowledging achievements keeps employees motivated. Investing in employee development through training, mentoring, coaching, and opportunities for learning new skills is essential for growth. Finally, building relationships with team members on a personal level and celebrating successes create a more positive and collaborative environment.

Originally published at



Cesar Keller (CK)

CK is the author of “(NON) HUMAN INTELLIGENCE” and an awarded leader in Marketing, AI, Digital Transformation, and the Future of Work. Blogs @